Friday, October 24, 2008


You know that with Halloween coming up that our youth are going to be bombarded with all sorts of imagery, parties, rituals, traditions and ... fun, I guess. There is a percentage of the population that deems this time of year to be demonic.

As my family and our friends descend on the parking lot of Lake Pointe Church for a fun-filled evening of carnival rides, candy and food, I can't help but think this is a great alternative to Halloween for our community.

At the same time, it could be an awful excuse for us to ignore the rest of the local culture who will be out on the following weekend. I encourage you to participate in your neighborhood's Halloween festivities with one simple goal - find someone new and establish a relationship with them and their family.

Give our Lord the chance to work through you. Demons hate light. Kids aren't demons (no comments from the Moms that read this blog) - the kids will respond to anything as long as you pay attention to them!

So enjoy all the festivities. And if you get a chance to stop by tonight ... come join us for some fun. Here are the details ...This is not a church-only event. Come one, come all, come as you are! Email me and I'll hang with you. And if you are a visitor, there is no charge to enter.

Enjoy these transom links:


Anonymous said...

I agree... but I guess we'll have to wait until the next round for a comment on Mr. Mark M. Hancock. I look forward to it.

Jerry Welch said...

It's coming bub! Look for "Cryptic Writings" ...