- Dr. Tim Young is a brilliant speaker.
- Thank you Mr. Beauchamp for hooking that up.
- I will never forget that you can't spend the same dollar in two places - sounds simple but we forget such trouble-free conventions.
Fellas - you need to hear this stuff. I needed to hear this stuff. Stop spinning your wheels.
The good news? Light doesn't manage the darkness - it eliminates it! Which is why I have complete optimism for the Humanist movement. Yup ... switching gears.
So the latest $40,000 ad campaign to confuse (as if there is another kind of ad campaign) simply states "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," (from the article, "Group's new Christmas message: Be good, not godly" on CNN.com.)
Good argument. Good argument. OK.
There is no doubt that the #1 thing that a Satanist prays for is the destruction of Christian homes. Nice and slow. And it works too! Otherwise they wouldn't pray about it so much.
So let me list some other items that major religions and Christian groups are up in arms about and fighting for the abolition of this ad expenditure:
(Again, from the article, "Group's new Christmas message: Be good, not godly" on CNN.com.)
"Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of nontheists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."
"... the purpose isn't to argue that God doesn't exist or change minds about a deity, although "we are trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people's minds."
And my personal favorite ... (drum roll, please)
"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Christians are really freaking out! You know what I see? Sorry folks - I'm going to abandon facts and go for opinion here.
- Those that don't have Jesus are looking to cling to someone/something as we, the fortunate ones, celebrate His birth ... separated from those who really need Him.
- Humanist apologists are turning towards planting seeds of rational thought in the absence of Christians who have turned their backs to a flailing culture that desire the Truth seed.
- Apathy is so prevalent that we've given up searching for something different just because there probably is not a God.
Rude awakening ... Humanists are not the problem. Christians are the problem. Too harsh? Than why do the same percentage of Christian men struggle with pornography as non-Christian men?
I despise ending with a question so here are some Transom Links:
The awaken movement website is under construction, but will be complete soon. Thanks for checking it out.
"Weaz!" It's the end of the world as we know it. Hey, it's Alex from college.. decided to try to find you on the web. I'm here in NC.. 1 wife, 2 kids later. Would love to get in touch with you.. HOW?
Talk to you soon, Alex!
Glass ... I got your message at home so I'll call ya ... but you can email me at GoDallasStars at gmail dot com.
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