Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alligators, Underwater Bandwidth, and Outsourcing in 3 Minutes

Based on the title, I'm positive this will only be read by 2 people other than myself. This morning offered up a crazy array of topics and good 'ol man burns from all around the table. To recap ...

Billy claims that his new bike is 3 minutes faster than the old bike. Sounds crazy but since he is a triathlete (is that a word?), we should take his word for it - this is important stuff to him ...

What am I saying? The dude is off his rocker. I think he just pedaled faster due to the excitement of a new toy. That still doesn't take away from his athleticism - I hope the extra time translates into a higher finish in his next race. Check out his team at

OK - back to ripping on Billy. He also claimed this morning that there are alligators up in the north river on Lake Ray Hubbard. Although I'm willing to believe there has been the occasional alligator around Texas reservoirs, I've never seen any nest sitings while fishing through there over the past 7 years. To the left is a picture of an American Alligator nest. If you see one on Ray Hubbard, please call the Garland Police.

I know they are rampant in Texas around the Gulf. Ironically, that's where Billy used to drink too much beer. He's probably having a flashback or maybe he saw the guys that caught the fish on the right and got scared.

That is an Alligator Gar - a common fish found up in the river (although not that big - the picture is a record.)

Here's some links that I thought would give Billy's concerns some validity but turned out to be vague and downright silly in some respects (sill belf?) I like how the game warden never says there is one but there could be. Not a shred of proof ...
More vague reports that don't make sense:So what else? Well, I claimed that Global Crossing built 1/5 of the world's underwater bandwidth to Asia/Europe. I also stated that these monstrous networking wonders were encased in pipe measuring a mile or more in width.

No one really believed that so I would expect a response to this blog proving me wrong so I can be the moron that I advertise. When I'm wrong, I'm usually really wrong. Maybe my use of the word "mile" refers to the mileage of undersea cable that Global Marine has installed and services. So prove me wrong.

So what about Kevin? Well, the more we find out about what Odee Company does, the more we find out what they don't do. We're still not sure what Kevin is producing each day, but we do know that it's not t-shirts, hats, or anything else cool. He didn't deny invitations as a possibility and mostly makes Chris watch the machine while he checks his email.

Wow. I though Mens Morning Mentoring was supposed to be uplifting and encouraging! Well, we did get our heads together and pray ... which is a great way to start any work day.

Unanswered questions:
  • Should Jerry start an Executive MBA later this summer or simply do a free one from MIT?
  • When will the Self's get a new grey hound to compliment Castor?
  • What happened to Robert, Justin (Billy's neighbor) and Mike?
  • Will Justin Graves ever show up?
Show up next week to find out the riveting details. And post a comment, will ya?

All the best, jerry

Hebrews 13

1Keep on loving each other as brothers. 2Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. 3Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

North Texas Experiences Gator Invasion: