Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jane Fonda & Family Business Succession

Jane Fonda is a ridiculous pop icon with links to infamous activities such as political activism and acting (if you can really call what she does acting.) Her divorce from Ted Turner was actually a planned media event for TBS revenue increase needs. You know, the Braves needed a new player spa in the locker room, or something.

Speaking of Ted, he shares a popular hobby/lifestyle/sport fetish with our boy, Billy ... sailing. Billy's dad, Scott, is an accomplished sailor. Billy and his dad used Ted's business succession planning for family business.

Personally, I think that should be a priority for every family business.

But as we found out, Robert could really use some mentoring in this area. Billy was happy to share his experience planning the empirical take over of Robert listened ...

Hey Logston - go pick up these books (kudos to Billy's suggestion):
Anyone else reading this blog that owns a business or works in a family business should do the same before you destroy each other!

That being said, Robert is the head foreman for a pretty cool little local business that I've never mentioned. It's called LL Clean Rooms. The web site isn't there but they have a domain so I linked to it!

One of the coolest services they provide is the construction of a CLEAN ROOM? Awesome stuff ... so if you need something like that, please call Robert at 214.325.9157.

I know I said Boxtown would be my next promotion but we talked about too much this morning ... being good husbands, encouraging our wives, encouraging each other, sports, etc, etc.

This blog has been saved since last Thursday so I have no train of thought to write any further ... it's a good thing to because I started to really bore myself.

Based on some user feedback I may be changing the name of this blog and/or possibly pointing it to a new domain. Any suggestions?

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