Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Science of Being Scammed or possibly Scamola-ed: a book review.

My wife ran her first 5k this weekend and I'm writing a book review. How selfish is that? Well, I promised back on the 3rd, that 2 topics would be delivered this month. This is the second of those, just in time for the month to roll over. It's going fast folks!

Besides, I only tried blowing through a few police blockades to get pictures of Elizabeth on the war path (with the kids in the car.) Conquered, we found ourselves rolling around the bounce house in front of Chili's unswervingly waiting for her to cross the finish line 6th overall in her bracket of the Chilis/St. Judes Rockwall 5K Classic!

On with the book review - The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

I must apologize ahead of time to all the Wattles fans out there ... but this has gone into my Colossal Waste Of Time bucket.

Rest assured, I do think Wallace was not recognized for his fine writing and extremely educated approach to thought and human process in the early 20th century. It makes sense that the extremely wealthy businessmen of today's culture site this as one of their most meaningful pieces of literary instruction.

Additionally, I will concede that there are plenty of people that consider my (re)views to be idiotic at best. That's not including the ones who express these feelings to me on a weekly basis. I am routinely out-thunk, out-degreed, and out-experienced on many levels.

But that's never stopped me before. And as I read, Wallace became more of man jaded by his own poverty stricken life than the self-proclaimed pioneer of New Thought.

If I may quote one of my partners in idiocy, "... if it is self-promoting and not glorifying God, it makes me skeptical. I thought they told you to stay off of Joel O's website." Yes ... they did tell me to stay away from Squinty.

As promised, I will give you a snapshot of my notes. You will find that I ascertained nothing, found a few admirable quotes, and captured a noteworthy concept here and there. Overall - I give this read a 2 out of 10. Up from a 1 merely based on the fact that this writing is nearly a century old.

Chapter 1
  • Agreed with nothing until the summary ... "for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself."
Chapter 2
  • Still speaking of getting rich but not by un-Godly promises.
  • Eliminating the excuses of environment, sex, opportunity, geographic location, poor, drowning in debt, etc for being poor - known fact based on ignorance.
  • Driving home the point of a "certain way" to get rich.
  • He's simply stating that it is ignorant for us to ignore the certain ways one becomes successful in their chosen business.
Chapter 3
  • There are possibilities for anyone to take advantage of an opportunity they would like to pursue and become successful - known fact.
  • Quote: "There is abundance of opportunity for the man who will go with the tide, instead of trying to swim against it."
  • States the US alone has enough materials and resources to house, clothe and feed the World lavishly - true today as it was in 1910.
  • God will provide even when we seemingly exhaust our resources - he will not let us go without ANY good things - well, no crap.
  • "... everything which can possibly minister to life is bountifully provided; there can be no lack unless God is to contradict himself and nullify his own works." - is he stating that he is privy to how God reacts? This is a dangerous quote.
Chapter 4
  • Man is a thinking center and can originate thought. The problem lies in the fact we rarely want to work with the Father - we'd rather take matters into our own hands. Agreed.
  • We must accept that there is only one Lord - one source of all that it is Good. He should have gone further here.
  • Starting to lose me on the first of three principals simply by claiming that anyone that reads and follows this book will get rich ... not liking this (p15)
  • To think truth regardless of appearance is laborious - yes - but he defines truth as thinking what you want to think ... not liking this either!
  • The bastard then sums up his 3 principals like a preacher would - I'm conflicted.
** IMPORTANT NOTE: He appears Christian but there are heavy tones of mid-eastern thought and dabbling in other religions.

Chapter 5
  • Basic business ethics and the laws of nature can be found here.
  • I would agree that many rich bastards need to here this stuff - but it's common sense to me - if I were to become monetarily rich, I would hope it would be by following these principals - but it wouldn't help me let go of it all - that should be in here somewhere.
  • He, himself, writes that the very riches produced by the original American multi-millionaires are the very riches that disposed of them! - and forever for anyone that competes to get rich!
  1. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the inter spaces of the universe.
  2. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
  3. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
Chapter 6
  • Give every man more on use value than you take from him in cash value - I sure hope so.
  • Praises Jesus a little here.
  • Gets on a God trip - but loses me again with claims that my desire to be rich (monetarily) is the Infinite's desire to express Himself in me ... claiming the converse to be a track into poverty I believe is as ignorant as Wattle's claiming to not act a Certain Way is to say you won't be rich.
Chapter 7 - Gratitude ... this could be interesting. But no ...
  • Law of Gratitude?
  • God has worked a long time to get us where we are and to provide the opportunities available - we should be in communion with him over this. Agreed.
Chapter 8 - Ugh ...

By chapter 8 I have grown weary. I've gone back to try to finish this a half dozen times. But I have not been able to stomach topics such as Thinking in a Certain Way, How to Use the Will, Further Use of the Will, Acting in a Certain Way, Efficient Action, Getting into the Right Business, the Impression of Increase, The Advancing Man, etc.

Despite Wattles continued use of God's Word, the teachings of Jesus, and reliance on Faith, my attention could not be held through the overall objective or his mottled theology mixed within. I simply conclude that the idea of religion, biology, physics, psychology, and engineering working together to make one rich is clever, but all I found is the production of one COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME (just like Blades of Glory)!!!

The end. Hate mail is welcome.

Here are some Transom Links:

Monday, September 22, 2008

25 Reasons Why I Hate Facebook

Facebook, Plaxo Pulse, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, whatever ...

... I'm tired of them all. One might say BLOGSPOT. But I like going out and reading other people's writing, thoughts, ideas, opinions, news, etc. RSS is a great way for me to get my news and leisure reading all in one place. All these social book marking sites are so tiring.

Maybe it's because part of my job involves incessant IM, jabbering, posting, updating, message boarding, perceptive thoughts - must I go on? Anyone else tired of this crap?

The answer is an resounding "NO." Because y'all are uploading new photos and leaving stupid messages on your high-school buddy's wall in Facebook as I write this. Trust me - they are ALL tired of hearing about your baby's first poop.

At least you're online though. I know some folks that still get excited about the time they'll save when we fall back for DST because they never change the time on their watch in the spring. Sheesh.

Moving on ... I have a post for the fellas. Still getting a tiny bit of flack for the SB mantra.

Allow me to reiterate the purpose ... a manly trigger to shift your focus towards God when things need fixing or are simply out of control. Now, since the word bastard causes problems, I am willing to shorten the phrase to Selfish B. That way we can all get over the perception of the term as opposed to the reputations of the men behind the philosophy.

SelfishB is often a response to marital issues. I believe that even when you're not at fault in a tough marital battle, there is certainly something in your life that you can shift your focus that would honor God and fill the void. Us men rarely encourage each other and offer our personal experiences.

What if you don't have someone to share with or your peers are simply useless and no mentor is available to you? Or perhaps you see your walk as so pristine there is no need for bettering yourself.

Need something to work on? There is a list that the wonderful Robert Lewis put together for those on the Quest for Authentic Manhood. I thought to post this as a reference - not something to perfect today but rather work on over a lifetime. Read this carefully and check which ones you've mastered as the Servant-Leader and Spiritual Leader of your home:

25 Ways to Be a Servant-Leader

A servant-leader ...
  1. includes his wife in envisioning the future.
  2. accepts spiritual responsibility for his family.
  3. is willing to say "I'm sorry" and "Forgive Me" to his family.
  4. discusses household responsibilities with his wife and makes sure they are evenly distributed.
  5. seeks the consultation of his wife on all major financial decisions.
  6. follows through with commitments he has made to his wife.
  7. anticipates the different seasons his marriage will pass through.
  8. anticipates the different stages his children will pass through.
  9. frequently tells his wife what he likes about her.
  10. provides financially for his family's basic living expenses.
  11. deals with distractions so he can talk with his wife and family.
  12. prays with his wife on a regular basis.
  13. initiates meaningful family traditions.
  14. plans fun outings for the family on a regular basis.
  15. takes the time to give his children practical instructions about life, which in turn gives them confidence with their peers.
  16. manages the schedule of the home and anticipates any pressure points.
  17. keeps his family financially sound and out of harmful debt.
  18. makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a will and arranged a well-conceived plan for their children in case of death.
  19. lets his wife and children into the interior of his life.
  20. honors his wife often in public.
  21. explains sex to each child in a way that gives them a wholesome perspective.
  22. encourages his wife to grow as an individual.
  23. takes the lead in establishing with his wife sound, biblically-supportable family values.
  24. joins a small group of men who are dedicated to improving their skills as a man, husband, and father.
  25. provides times for his wife to pursue her own personal interests.
That's a tall order! If you have mastered all of these, please leave me your number ... I'm looking for a good mentor. I, for one, am going to try #20 this week. Where are you at?

Transom Links:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's the "G" stand for?

I grew up in the north east. Yes ... I'm a Yank. When I first heard someone refer to G-town, my initial thoughts brought me to Georgetown (D.C.) I forgot that I live in another country now. In Texas, that means Galveston.

For the 3rd time on the blog known as My Life In Rockwall, TX, I am dedicating a post to this lovely little pirate town. I've grown close to this little community over the past year ... it's a distance relationship but one of great endearment.

Between links with the sailing community, friends with school ties, and my own vacation, the historical significance, modern offerings, and shear beauty of this little island off the coast has rekindled a geographical pull on my spirit that only one other place in the world has rendered.

I think most of Texas, and quite possibly the nation, have tuned into Ike's destruction over the past week. There is little more to say on the subject. But I thought to share some images from the wreckage that hits home ... Clint and Chandler Rainey, family of our fellow ABFers, have been so good to share their experiences while they piece their physical home, professional, and educational lives back together.

Let me bring your attention to a small peak at the Rainey's downtown home - yes, the picture above shows the flood line that is about 4-5 feet deep. Below you will see that someone from the Texas A&M alumni department needs to ship out a new diploma.

Fortunately, Billy & Katie Self (Billy is Chandler's brother) has informed me of all the physical needs that are being covered. Action has been taken on the Rainey's situation as well as all over the island.

Even so, as it will be weeks before power is restored on the island, I call us all to commit the Rainey's (and all those hit by Ike) to prayer until full relief has been delivered. Will you join me?

Matthew 18:19-20

19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Also, please read the fine journalism from Clint, published by Newsweek with 3 other authors. This fella went into the trenches with gas and rope to get the inside story.

This Thing Is Huge

A public Facebook album with all the pictures can be viewed at:

Leave them a note of encouragement. Peace.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nominate "Bring the Rain"

If you know Angie Smith, please find her latest post for a link to nominate her blog. Her winnings will be donated to the Hope Clinic.


If you have never visited Angie Smith's site, then I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul. But you can still go get familiar with the story by starting here:


There is a voting button on her side bar.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hovercraft Schematics - Only $19.97!

Jesus knew that sugarcoating his message never made for a "salty saint" ...

Luke 14:25-27 (NIV)

The Cost of Being a Disciple

25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27 And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Is that why we have such a hard time sharing our faith? It's a tough sell for sure. Food for thought.

I think we're more likely to take the soft soap route (audio clip). I don't like beating around the bush so it eases me to know that the World's Savior makes no apologies for His message. We love a strong, uncompromising God that offers abundance simply by following him. Simple things with simple rules ... hard to do and follow through.

So I lied - I don't have any Hovercraft schematics but would be interested in reselling yours if you have a proven concept, design, and working model. As the self-appointed Ambassador of Rock at ProSoap Industries, I could really use a sweet ride to promote industrial hand soap manufacturers, clean room constructors, triathlon teams, Lake Pointe ministries, JustinShouldNeverReadInClassAgain.com, local photographers, etc.

Everyone has a pimped out, customized Hummer - it does not impress anymore. The Hover Craft will though! So submit your designs today and I'll shoot you an offer.

Here's some transom links:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Waking up on the edge of a King Size.

I'm in Springfield, MO. At a Residence Inn. With my very own king size bed. Six fluffy pillows. My sweet wife at home running the house with no help ... and I go to bed early and wake up on the edge of the bed.

I tried to spread out and consume as much of the comfy freedom that my employer is so gracefully providing on this futile business trip. Alas, I found myself balled up on the edge, making certain I would not miss out on any information the foreign alarm clock had to share.

After all, it's a work week. Not traveling much anymore would make it nonsensical for me to subconsciously deny my wife's sleeping space. I must admit that it's comforting to know my marriage has that much of an impact on my inate sensibilities.

On the other hand, it does bring to thought some humorous truths that I call ...

The wife's sleeping space - safety first!

DISCLAIMER - keep in mind this is a generality and in whole or partially true in over 99% of all marital arrangements - this is NOT an exact reflection of the Welch household - I am trying to be funny, not stupid - I can easily apologize if I'm not funny.

DISCLAIMER 2 - Over 70% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

The wife's sleeping space consists of the following areas and disciplines:
  • The Cold Toes Region.
  • The Violent-Kick-To-The-Shins-Region (more prominent during times of pregnancy.)
  • The Ankle-slice-from-the-freshly-manicured-dagger-toe-nails Zone - nicely painted though.
  • The Ankle-slice-from-the-severely-neglected-broken-toe-nails Zone - not so nicely painted.
  • The Cold Turkey Spoon Eclipse ... why do their buttocks drop to -30 degrees during the winter?
  • The "sorry-about-the-get-away-from-me" arm swing drop.
  • And of course, the inevitable gentle-unraveling-of-the-sheets-to-get-what-little-coverage-you-can-manage-before-having-to-get-up-and-go-pee Maneuver.
To be fair - the women's list would/should be much longer, detailed and harsh - I understand that we men are much more difficult to sleep with - but I only have one accurate point of view.

Due to my involuntary understanding of these sleeping phenomenon, I woke alone in a king size bed, grasping to 2 feet of comforter, the corner of 1 pillow, on the edge of the bed, hoping I did not sleep in.

So one my entire posts actually matched the title! It's a story! And a boring one at that. So here are some Transom Links:
Looking towards December ...
Daily Manna ...

Daily Manna from the 'Net for Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Daily Manna XML Feed

'You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48 NIV | Listen

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Even Jason Bonham has a cheesy side.

How Foreigner talked Jason Bonham into drumming for them on a Def Leppard and Styx 2007 reunion tour is beyond comprehension. The conversation must have a gone a little like this:

Mick Jones: "Hey Jason, we're kicking off an old guy tour to promote our latest compilation box set titled 'Foreigner - The Colby Jack Years - 3 Decades of Chart Topping Cheese'. Would you be our drummer?"

Bonham: "Can we do some Zep covers?"

Mick: "Ummm ... sure."

Rock 'n roll history.

Anyhoo, I'm a Dirty White Boy and I wanna know what love is! So I posed 2 questions to my buddy, Eric. I've been on an epic quest the past few years, soliciting these queries to all varieties of men. I've obtained everything from blank stares to book recommendations. Eric was able to conclude so simply and matter-of-fact-ly that there could only be 2 possibilities why it hasn't made sense to me yet:
  • I'm entirely too obtuse to have appreciated others wisdom.
  • All the other men I've asked really haven't mastered the skills to give a pragmatic answer.
This may appear cheesy ... and my wife might be wondering when I'm going to get off my back-side and apply this in our lives ... but it would be irresponsible of me not to share this with any man that graces the posts here.

(Quoted verbatim from Mr Gebhardt with his explicit approval ...)

how to beat a slump - time away from kids talking through stuff with wife. slumps are typically caused by wives feeling that their emotional relationship with their spouse is troubled, or clouded by lack of time for clear communication of concerns.

how to lead a wife in prayer - lay her down. pet her hair. close your eyes. speak to God about the ways each of your family members is blessed. thank Him specifically for the ways he has blessed each of you. thank God for you wife last. her heart will open. kiss her.

Thanks Eric for your practical wisdom. It's obvious you have done this and found what works. I think the key for any other man trying is the following:
  1. Create the time for you and your lovely to consistently "air the dirty laundry."
  2. Recognize the times of comfort you share with your wife.
  3. Follow through by using that comfort time to advance your marriage.
Easy rules - challenging to endure. On with the madness!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Haven't been feeling too bloggepreneurial lately. And it's already September.

Imagine if your job was to be bad at your job ... really bad. Feeling under the weather this weekend, I watched a little TV that would normally be missed. Dirty Jobs. With Mike Rowe. Everyone is always yelling at him. Every job he goes to ... he's never experienced. Yet most of these loosely educated proletarians scream at him for coming up short, damaging raw materials, or misusing the tools.

As quickly as I started wondering about how frustrated he could really be with the money he makes for hosting a silly TV show, I began feeling empathy for his job. He sucks at everything and is justified in the frustration expressed towards the people profiled on the show.

On a single show he got multiple bee stings, environmental sludge in his face, and patronized by a surf board manufacturer. At least I get a few wins here and there up at Hotels.com!

So I was testing a new algorithm that is a piece of SEO optimization research and ran it against my blog. Almost every paragraph came back with suggestions. I would say it works! Some of the funnier ones that I can't believe I ever wrote:Ironically, it only picked up one sentence that used the word "obscure" and none of my usual grammatical errors. Oh well.

Should have warned you this would not be a riveting or meaningful post even given a wide berth. So I'll leave you with something that is both enthralling and consequential:

Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.

Psalm 25:7

Unrelated Transom Links
Coming this September ...
  • Why I hate Facebook
  • The Science of Being Scammed or possible Scamola-ed: a book review.
FYI - "bloggepreneur" was coined last week by Mark Cuban when some blogger challenged the fact that he was not technically proficient, just Internet lucky. He simply agreed sarcastically that he was a minion compared to the mighty bloggepreneur that figured out his secret. Nicely played Cubby ...