Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Haven't been feeling too bloggepreneurial lately. And it's already September.

Imagine if your job was to be bad at your job ... really bad. Feeling under the weather this weekend, I watched a little TV that would normally be missed. Dirty Jobs. With Mike Rowe. Everyone is always yelling at him. Every job he goes to ... he's never experienced. Yet most of these loosely educated proletarians scream at him for coming up short, damaging raw materials, or misusing the tools.

As quickly as I started wondering about how frustrated he could really be with the money he makes for hosting a silly TV show, I began feeling empathy for his job. He sucks at everything and is justified in the frustration expressed towards the people profiled on the show.

On a single show he got multiple bee stings, environmental sludge in his face, and patronized by a surf board manufacturer. At least I get a few wins here and there up at!

So I was testing a new algorithm that is a piece of SEO optimization research and ran it against my blog. Almost every paragraph came back with suggestions. I would say it works! Some of the funnier ones that I can't believe I ever wrote:Ironically, it only picked up one sentence that used the word "obscure" and none of my usual grammatical errors. Oh well.

Should have warned you this would not be a riveting or meaningful post even given a wide berth. So I'll leave you with something that is both enthralling and consequential:

Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.

Psalm 25:7

Unrelated Transom Links
Coming this September ...
  • Why I hate Facebook
  • The Science of Being Scammed or possible Scamola-ed: a book review.
FYI - "bloggepreneur" was coined last week by Mark Cuban when some blogger challenged the fact that he was not technically proficient, just Internet lucky. He simply agreed sarcastically that he was a minion compared to the mighty bloggepreneur that figured out his secret. Nicely played Cubby ...

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