Monday, December 15, 2008

United Abominations

From Mumbai to Illinois ... how can I post when the world is going to hell in a hand basket? If you haven't noticed, I'm just not going to be much of a blogger through the holidays. There has been plenty of inspiration though:I could go on and on. 'Tis the season. So no pontificating today - but I've amassed quite a few Transom Links to share ... enjoy:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The System Has Failed

Good bye November - Hello December. Jack Frost is making his annual sabbatical to Texas ... finally. As the year winds down, my blog-preneurship is certainly taking a turn for the worse. Numbers will certainly fall. Besides, I don't want to have an unreachable number for next year's Q4, YoY.

The good news is that the dollar is gaining, I survived the Griswold-roof-climbing-Christmas lights-hanging endeavor, the tree is lit, and our wagons are full of clothes, blankets and socks for Boxtown. We'll be making 2 trips in December ... on Christmas we plan to do an ad hoc service under the Good Latimer bridge behind Pilgrim's Pride. Pray the strings of my guitar don't snap in the cold, dry air as we fill the dark night with Christmas music.

So I blame the system for this boring post ... nothing profound to pontificate ... nothing alarming to assail ... nothing demoralizing or in need of fortification ... nothing to resuscitate.

Not even Sean Avery being unsavory could get me riled up. I blame the system. When you suffer a sports year like I have (Stars lose in the Western Conference Finals, Mets mishap, Notre Dame's debacle of a season, Bears barely hanging on, and one of the worst starts in Stars franchise history) and find yourself surrounded by Texans talking about Romo's momma, there becomes no vacancy for vexation in one's life.

Just try to derail me from having a marvelous, miraculous Holiday. I dare ya! There's no news story, apocalyptic premonition, political uprising, financial crisis, or Debbie Downer that's going to reduce this holiday to rubble. The system has caused me to go from cynical to critical in one fail swoop! I've become critically inane. What were they thinking, turning this jaded lad into a happy-go-lucky cheer monkey full of childish sensibilities? Lights, trees, ministry and happiness?

No no no. Not even the State Trooper that pulled me over the day after Thanksgiving as Billy and I returned from visiting our homeless friend, Teardrop, on his birthday could put the sour back in this puss. Click here for my response.

Is it the system? Have I gone off the deep end scatter shooting again? Before you leave this post in disgust and remorse for having wasted 5 minutes of your precious life, please do me one favor.

Stop. Take a deep breath. Go to that place. Who's there? Do you have peace?

If the answer is no or no one ... click here.

I hope to bring more of a balanced post next time with less free hand. But I promise you that these Transom Links won't disappoint:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Still Alive... And Well?

I haven't been around to a good brain dump session in almost 2 weeks! So this one will probably cause a good deal of scatter shooting.

Every time I peel a layer off myself some other flaw rears its ugly head that I must come to terms with ... anyone else feel that way? It disrupts my walk, my marriage, my friendships and my work. And it is frustrating.

I rarely have the patience to recognize that everyone must go through a refining process from time to time when they are discovering how jacked up they are ... and the love of Jesus is enough. Look around - all this and Jesus too?

An old friend hunted me down and we connected on the phone last night. Alex Glass. The better half of our acoustic group in college that went by the name of Glass Weazel. Guess who the Weazel was?

Alex was the only person during my time at Ohio Northern University that shared Christ with me. I remember getting upset with him refusing to sing one of my songs that reflected my jaded views on religion. I though he was NUTS!

Not to mention my sacrifice in accompanying him for his song about prayer! The nerve! To be honest, I would do anything to record and Alex is one of the few that had the patience to deal with me.

It was seriously Flanders and Homer living directly across from each other in the freshman dorm. But we could both play and he was a great singer. And even though I probably made his life miserable, he was always there to jam, talk, hike, or whatever. A good friend is what he was. And he planted a seed. I'm still baffled at how he endured my tirade for 4 years as we played to hundreds (thousands?) of people on the Tundra.

Last night as we both found out we're each alive and well, he also got to witness the full rebirth of someone he never gave up on even as far from the cross as I was.

He found me on a blog somewhere in cyberspace. Now we can share our walks, our awesome wives, beautiful children, and exciting travels that separated the past 11 years. (Chalk that up as one good reason for the Internet and one other reason why I journal digitally.)

And those layers? Well ... let's just say I'm ready to press on. It may be the end of the world as we know it, but I feel loved. And that's enough for me.

Ok ... enough sappy, anecdotal crap. Wake up readers and learn something ... Gmail Theater: Why Use Gmail? Thanks to Good 'ol Billy Boy for sending this one ...

If you want a Gmail account, shoot me a note and I'll forward an invite to your old, decrepit email.

And here are some Transom Links:
Ok ... here are some Interactive Transom Links:
  • I can't tell which side of the argument this shirt represents ... can you? CLICK HERE.
  • Definitely check out the entire Woot! Shirt Reckoning List.
  • And I will ship you a free FaceWash from (Right, Billy?) if you can interpret this binary ... 01001101 01100001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011
Daily Manna from the 'Net for Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Daily Manna XML Feed

Then I said: 'O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father's house, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses. 'Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.' Nehemiah 1:5-9 NIV | Listen

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rude Awakening

Attended Man Church last night ... the topic was Sexual Purity. I can't handle the subject matter here so I will simply say this:
  • Dr. Tim Young is a brilliant speaker.
  • Thank you Mr. Beauchamp for hooking that up.
  • I will never forget that you can't spend the same dollar in two places - sounds simple but we forget such trouble-free conventions.
I highly suggest visiting Dr. Young's website - there are some poignant pod casts available and other pertinent media.

Fellas - you need to hear this stuff. I needed to hear this stuff. Stop spinning your wheels.

The good news? Light doesn't manage the darkness - it eliminates it! Which is why I have complete optimism for the Humanist movement. Yup ... switching gears.

So the latest $40,000 ad campaign to confuse (as if there is another kind of ad campaign) simply states "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," (from the article, "Group's new Christmas message: Be good, not godly" on

Good argument. Good argument. OK.

There is no doubt that the #1 thing that a Satanist prays for is the destruction of Christian homes. Nice and slow. And it works too! Otherwise they wouldn't pray about it so much.

So let me list some other items that major religions and Christian groups are up in arms about and fighting for the abolition of this ad expenditure:

(Again, from the article, "Group's new Christmas message: Be good, not godly" on

"Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of nontheists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."

"... the purpose isn't to argue that God doesn't exist or change minds about a deity, although "we are trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people's minds."

And my personal favorite ... (drum roll, please)

"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Christians are really freaking out! You know what I see? Sorry folks - I'm going to abandon facts and go for opinion here.
  • Those that don't have Jesus are looking to cling to someone/something as we, the fortunate ones, celebrate His birth ... separated from those who really need Him.
  • Humanist apologists are turning towards planting seeds of rational thought in the absence of Christians who have turned their backs to a flailing culture that desire the Truth seed.
  • Apathy is so prevalent that we've given up searching for something different just because there probably is not a God.
Love covers a multitude of sins. Can I make a call out to the DC brothers and sisters? Check out these bus ads, show up to the meetings, and share the Light. It will eliminate the darkness. It will eliminate the need for something new just because they weren't reached.

Rude awakening ... Humanists are not the problem. Christians are the problem. Too harsh? Than why do the same percentage of Christian men struggle with pornography as non-Christian men?

I despise ending with a question so here are some Transom Links:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The World Needs A Hero

Desperately! I'm mean ... putting your faith in Jesus is crazy, right? Christianity is just a random, fabricated religion full of legalistic rhetoric and conformity disguised as tradition. Right?

So says the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! What would Flying Spaghetti Monster do anyway? They'd tell us but we wouldn't believe what's in it.

This is what happens when Jerry's cynicism rears it's ugly head. Please be kind though. What started out as an argument against intelligent design in school really has caught on in a massive movement across America.

So the very thing that FSM argues against, is proving the inner desire for people to worship ... something bigger than themselves. Someone bigger than themselves. It certainly is warranted when reviewing Christians as a whole to box us in with those that jerk verses from the bible and use the Good Word for agenda driven apologetics.

But our God is not so wishy-washy. And He is the God of the World.

Call Jesus crazy ... I can buy that. Claim God not to be the creator of the World ... I can buy that. But substantiate your argument. Pure mockery just comes off as dimwitted nonsense.

My point? I am willing to dress up as a pirate and concede that there will be a stripper factory and keg parties in heaven if ONE (just one) FSMer is willing to discuss the real God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and what that really means based on the Scriptures.

Who knows - we might find some neutral grounds around topics such as religiosity, legalism, fundamentalism, and traditionalism. I have no idea where I'm going with this other than I hope you take a look at the Flying Speghetti Monster followers and educate yourself on this little movement.

How do they celebrate the Holidays anyway? Looks like Christmas to me!

So enjoy these links and try not to be cynical like me:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Capitol Punishment

Now that all the bleeding heart liberals can breath a sigh of relief, Oprah has had a good cry, and Tina Fey's career is back in the crapper, we are free to return to our customary complaints and excuses about why the upshot of our lives is at the foot of another man's bed.

Not sure what that means but here's what's up this week with me - we're headed back downtown this weekend - the first midnight trip of the year. The big stop gap this time is not manpower or lack of physical distribution.

How do we avoid playing the adult version of the popular children's game, Duck, Duck, Damned? For those of you reading Radical Reformission right now, you know what I'm talking about.

If we can dodge that rut, how do we swerve back without simply stating "Go on and save yourself?" How do we keep the Message straight while walking among the forgotten drunks, junkies, and prostitutes of our city?

I'm going to take a stab at this - Prepare ourselves in the Word. Pray that God goes before us and the Spirit guides our hands. Repeat.

Let's get to work. Here's a link to the new site:

Transom links ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Election Day is upon us! Will it be McCain or Obama? Pretty risky either way ... just an opinion. But which is more precarious: the outcome of the election or this picture?

Newlywed couple
Funny People Pictures!

Phew ... I still say the election. For all I know, this marriage could defy time. What can I possibly gain by posting stuff like this? Nothing really. I was listening to Mozart's La Finta Semplice: Overture (otherwise known as "The Counterfeit Simpleton") and could not stop thinking about the candidates and this picture.

So call me short like everyone else. There's nothing wrong with standing short - it's good enough because everyone else is sitting. Before you head to the polls or brag about your early vote, my desire is that we do something less arbitrary than praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster or claiming you felt the Dallas earth quake last Friday.

Say a prayer ... ask the Lord to go before you ... meditate on some scripture. I believe if this nation could do that before going to the grocery store, let alone voting, we would be more pleasing in the presence of the Lord.

And no matter what happens, here's something that has stood the test of time and precedes all presidents of the past ...

Daily Manna from the 'Net for Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Daily Manna XML Feed

I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself. You said, 'I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, 'I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations.' ' Selah The heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD ? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? Psalm 89:2-6 NIV | Listen

Transom Links ...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Cryptic Writings

Good title for Halloween, eh? Beaucoup to cover ... my awesome wife, local jerks, Thriller remakes, and maybe a few non-related jabbers. Let's see where this goes ...

Right now I'm sitting at work disguised as giant iPhone. I am iJerry. And for the first time ever, I'm going to post a picture of myself. Allow me to explain. I despise Halloween. Mostly because if I just didn't feel like dressing up in the past, EVERYONE would be scolding me for being a party pooper. God forbid we celebrate the birth of Christ as exuberantly. I don't care if you get into it - it's just not my bag baby!

iJerryDespite that, my employer gets pretty tangled into the tortuous ordeal known as costume partying ... contests, prizes, etc. My VP is having an extra give away for Thanksgiving Day Cowboys tickets - as long as you are dressed up. Upon hearing this, my wife told me to get my derriere in the car and get over to Hobby Lobby. We discussed Benny the Bellhop, the retired mascot.

iJerryThis was too difficult. But what she churned out between the kids bedtime and 1 am this morning ... let's just say she may have been selling herself short. I have a good chance to win (JD@kronos, eat your heart out). Go ahead and give them a click - it's even more impressive with the picture blown up - it will open in a separate window/tab.

Thanks babe (Elizabeth) - you rock!

Finally proud of something to wear for Halloween ... so allow me to digress and talk about a local cryptic photographer who decided to take my good buddy down a notch for no good reason. Now - Billy should never have copy and pasted a news article directly into his blog, but the ensuing "holier-than-thou" attitude just blows my mind.

Kinda like the pompous radio station personalities, these media babies are getting out of hand. Masquerading as grown men, they are nothing more than the old ladies in the hair salon that just have to be the first to bring the dirty news to the Grey hairs. And if the don't get proper credit ... watch out. The result is childish whining. Have a gander:

From: Mark M. Hancock
Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:44 PM

I noticed unauthorized use of one of my images on the blog I need a physical mailing address to the owner of this blog.

-- Mark M. Hancock
Plano, Texas

From: Billy Self
Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:19 PM
To: "Mark M. Hancock"

Hi Mark, I'm the owner of the blog... Which photo are you talking about? Also, if I ask for your permission (albeit a touch late), will you allow it?

From: Mark M. Hancock
Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:30 PM
To: Billy Self

I can't express how angry your note makes me. You want use of one of my images after I've found YOU'VE VIOLATED MY LEGAL RIGHTS. You should know which one(s) are mine. It's your legal OBLIGATION to know the origin and make proper payment for content you publish before it's published.

Remove the image(s), don't ever post them again and I won't have Blogger kill your account for copyright violations.
-- Mark

From: Billy Self
Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:35 PM
To: "Mark M. Hancock"

Mark, please forgive my ignorance to blogging. It is not intent to anger anyone. the photo has been removed.

Oh Mark. I understand protecting your work. But are such threats really necessary? I mean ... it was a picture of kid that we all know in a triathlon article on the triathlon blog of the team that the boy's father is a member of. Sheesh ... what a T-I-R-D, tird.

Mark - if you want to look like a chump, look no further. I have a knack for finding imperfection in just about anyone - probably because I'm so full of them myself! You know what we do though? Lighten up and laugh about it. I'm sure you could find plenty of grammatical errors and none-too-good Franglais right here. Give it a whirl ...

But if you don't want to have fun we can always go see my buddies up at the Intellectual Property offices of ... well, we'll see if you even pick this up.

Happy Hunting ... here are transom links to some hauntingly horrible video remakes of MJ's Thriller - enoy (all from Glumbert):

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasure #1
Deep in the mass of Dallas' concrete commercialism lies a sliver of paradise ... the Dallas Arboretum. Me, Elizabeth and the 3 A's made the trek downtown this past weekend to enjoy the final fall festivities with our good friends, the Grimey family. My 2 oldest ...

Don't let me fool ya - I complained on entrance and exit. The Disney-like mob of humanity yelling at their kids and hip checking me like Sean Avery over the best pumpkin pile was distracting. But when I could open my eyes and soak the beauty in, it was quite a serene stroll through the inner city's blossom brigade.

Hidden Treasure #2
Christians from Cairo ... I met a new friend over coffee this Monday morning. His name is Michael. He hails from a Lake Pointe sister church in Egypt. As we discussed the ways of the Lord and shared our testimonies, I arrived at a moment where no words could be uttered for a few moments ... just silent reflection. What comment would cause such an instant? How about the difference between Michael and me when it comes to bringing the Gospel to the culture.

Let's skip me and go straight to Cairo ... you will be (not maybe) disowned and possibly killed for your faith. And he is at peace knowing that if he is killed, that Jesus' name will become more famous.

Perspective ... more to come on Michael later.

Hidden Treasure #3
I like New Yorkers. Especially smart New Yorkers. Add in the pledge of allegiance, a prayer, current economics and some free breakfast. That equals another great morning with the Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club. I did notice that some of the grey-beards were not so thrilled with the Federal Reserve representative's views on the historical importance and resurgence after the sub-prime mortgage implosion. The ones that spoke up sounded like the Darrell Hammond version of Sean Connery on SNL's Jeopardy spoof. Was it that Mr Duca's pill is hard to swallow or Texans would prefer not to concede to a Yankee?

Either way, thanks to Mr. Self for having me as a guest. Have I mentioned they now have black t-shirts for $5?

All's well that ends well - but I aim to disappoint. So here are some transom links and a picture of the human hippo. Cheers!
Whoa dude!

Friday, October 24, 2008


You know that with Halloween coming up that our youth are going to be bombarded with all sorts of imagery, parties, rituals, traditions and ... fun, I guess. There is a percentage of the population that deems this time of year to be demonic.

As my family and our friends descend on the parking lot of Lake Pointe Church for a fun-filled evening of carnival rides, candy and food, I can't help but think this is a great alternative to Halloween for our community.

At the same time, it could be an awful excuse for us to ignore the rest of the local culture who will be out on the following weekend. I encourage you to participate in your neighborhood's Halloween festivities with one simple goal - find someone new and establish a relationship with them and their family.

Give our Lord the chance to work through you. Demons hate light. Kids aren't demons (no comments from the Moms that read this blog) - the kids will respond to anything as long as you pay attention to them!

So enjoy all the festivities. And if you get a chance to stop by tonight ... come join us for some fun. Here are the details ...This is not a church-only event. Come one, come all, come as you are! Email me and I'll hang with you. And if you are a visitor, there is no charge to enter.

Enjoy these transom links:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Countdown To Extinction

Or last week's signs of the apocalypse? Either way, we must be near the end.

I can't claim these stories for my own but was in awe ...

DISCLAIMER: The second one is not necessarily kid friendly. So heads up. This first one is just sad ...

The Illiterate State Fair of Texas

I can’t tell you how proud this sign makes me. (Wife to self: “You better tell everyone that I’m the one who caught it!”) No child left behind. Go, TAKS!


Ok ... don't look if you are easily offended ...

“Good Christian Bitches” Might Be Making Dallas Women A Little Nervous

Tim dropped a copy of Kim Gatlin’s new book, “Good Christian Bitches,” on my desk yesterday. I’m sure many of you know Kim–she’s a lady-about-town, a commercial real estate agent, and she’s involved in a lot of charitable organizations. I’ve been flipping through it, and so far, I’m really enjoying it. Mostly because I’m trying to figure out which Dallasites appear in the story. The book seems like it could be a thinly-veiled account of Gatlin’s life. For example: The story is set in “Hillside Park” (ahem). The “Longhorn Ball” is “the only high profile event where the men didn’t have to wear tuxes; they could wear jeans” (hello, Cattle Baron’s). Later in the book, the main character, Amanda Vaughn, goes for drinks with her friends at “Al’s.” (Oh wait, that’s the same). Incidentally, Vaughn is divorced with two children…and so is Kim.

I’m looking forward to reading this, mostly because it feels like a tell-all. I’m sure Gatlin would say that the characters are fictional, but I’m wondering how much is based on fact. I’m guessing Dallas women will be curious too, especially since the descriptions of the characters are fairly specific, and a little brutal (like Sharon Peavy, Amanda’s former best friend, who works in the hospitality industry, has the “best chest” in Hillside Park, and who “isn’t marriage material”). In the first chapter, Gatlin — I mean, Amanda — hears herself being discussed during Bible study at “Hillside Park Presbyterian” by a bunch of ladies she thought were her friends. In a prayer request, no less. Sounds like a great way to get back at a few people who’ve wronged you, and if that’s the case, there are a few of us who’d like to buy you a drink at the real Al’s. Stop by Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy. (Report from the field: It won’t be at NorthPark Barnes and Noble until Oct 31. Boo.) It’s already out of stock on Amazon.


Let the hate mail roll in!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rust In Peace

I often hang my head in despair after making the decision to listen to sports radio in any length. Last week was no exception. The babble I ingested claimed that having Brad Johnson as the #2 QB for the Cowboys is a blessing (?!) based on the fact he does not need to take a lot of snaps in practice ... because he's so veteran. They claim this would allow the coaches to make a better game day decision on whether Romo could be effective with the bad pinky.

We all know how that worked out.

Two good buddies and my wife backed me into a corner last week and forced me to list out the members of society that I am either unwilling to reach out to or carrying around to much hatred to effectively be Christ-like.

The result of my prejudice and the hatred I must repent from is as follows (otherwise known as the Grimey Cultural Limitation): "Gay unicyclists covered in tattoos who hate babies cause they can't have them and sit around all day wasting their life watching Oprah and fantasizing about Brad Johnson's butt in his uniform."

Sounds extreme but at least my hatred is specific and easily overcome. So just to smooth things over, I plan to go out to and purchase one of these awesome unicyclists t-shirts to wear on a night out at a gay bar in tote with pictures of my kids and a bible.

Now I'm in real trouble ... sigh.

Not to take hatred and prejudice lightly, allow me to pull a page from the Radical Reformission and confess a real cultural block that I ran into this week.

Downtown, at the Greenville and Lovers Borders Books, I found myself at the information kiosk searching for a Max Lucado book for my wife. I heard the shadow of a congenial, red-bibbed, employee getting ready to pounce. Keeping my eyes on the screen, I played dead as if a bear were approaching.

The ploy did not work ... and I heard the words that we all fear based on every car buying experience known to man - "Can I help you?"

As I raised my brow and thought the words "No, you retail, paperboy freak - I'm an idiot that can't figure out how to press the big, red Search button" my imagination flashed a few possibilities of the poor soul standing across the table from me trying to execute the futile company training they received in their first week on the job.
  1. Would it be the lonely, heavy-set, pale female that finished some college but was only there to find a man until she found out that wasn't working?
  2. Or the young, not-quite-out-of-the-closet male in nicely pressed Gap clothes that still lives with his parents and desperately wanted to be downtown but could only find this flexible, lazy scheduled uptown job?
  3. Considering where I am it could just be the post-Goth, scrawny genius girl that hates everything but really needs the paycheck to fund her exotic butterfly collection and 19th century original print poetry books.
I was not so fortunate ... the creature that lurked before me actually made him respond to my facial reaction ... his exact words were "I'm actually smarter than I look and can help you find your book." I replied, "I am never accused of being smart - don't let the glasses fool ya." He was not impressed.

This wasn't just tattoos ... I like tattoos ... the colorful, full-coverage body art just rounded out the Pin-Head-esque piercings and Ethiopian stretched out ear lobes. As he took me back to the Max Lucado book, his ears were flapping like a lab chasing a squirrel. I was walking behind the human form of Goofy.

As he turned and said "hear you are" I knew I needed to say something. This is what came out: "Cool ears. Why did you do that?"

His response: "That's a really long story. I'd tell it to you, but I have a hard enough time keeping my day job."

Finding myself wondering what his night job was, I soon realized that my poor attempt at building a relationship was futile and no longer possible at this juncture. I thanked him, paid for the book, and left defeated.

I didn't think there was much out there I haven't seen. Which is true except that I don't see enough of it that my brain is trained to expect only clean, white, lake community folk.

This is a problem ... if I am to live out the rest of my life not being able to see everyone as a person, I will surely never find peace. But if I can ask God to go before me, even when entering the book store, I can at least have Christ on my mind and ready to share the ministry.

The babbling for today is over ... enjoy yours and have a link or two if you're bored:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Far, So Good... So What?

Did you ever wonder why someone was doing something only to find out you'd rather not have known? You keep asking because you care and know the person enough that something is amiss. They don't want to tell you ... but they crumble knowing they need to tell someone out of their comfort zone. Then they feel better (probably.) But you wished you kept your mouth shut and never said anything. Happened to me a few days ago.

Its part of the joy of getting to know people and not crossing the gossip/griping line. I went away for 24 hours this past weekend on a mens retreat. Pegged as a time of reflection and spirituality, I've been questioned by a few close to me (male and female) as to what I thought about the weekend's festivities.

In a round about way - what do I think was accomplished?

Well .. my opinions have not been well received at any point in my life - high or low, young or mature, work or home. What? A post from Jerry void of opinion or irreverence? Bollocks! Why would I do that? A refreshing change perhaps. To wet your appetite for conflict, I dodged the female queries because women are smarter than me and cause more damage. To the fellas, I recommended removing their thumbs from what should only be used to turn out excrement.

But I will tell you what I pulled together and, in some cases rediscovered while retreating with 14 other dudes from Lake Pointe that have committed to study the Word together on a weekly basis.
  • Duke is lending his home to the Boxtown Mission.
  • Robert is serving - always without hesitation.
  • Kevin desires more action.
  • Eric wants more interaction.
  • Tucker is young and fishing.
  • Grimey is on the brink and completely open and honest.
  • Billy is ready, can't get there, but willing to work at it.
  • Wes is wrapping it up.
  • Brandon is rebuilding.
  • Ryan is opening his abode.
  • Nick is looking for difficult answers concerning fatherhood.
  • Ben is working it out.
I feel like I'm forgetting someone ...

Everyone was pondering on the Holiest of Holies. We even had a guy catch his first fish! I have obviously taken that for granted.

I am in awe of these men as they take the first step towards a better way to live - an authentic manhood focused on Leading Courageously, Accepting Responsibility, Rejecting Passivity and Expecting God’s Greater Reward.

We've come a long way ... this rag-tag group of weirdos from the bowels of the mega church on the Wall. There is no argument that we all received a great understanding of where each other is in our personal walks and where we will be going as a group. If not ... well, you just weren't paying attention.

Do we get the picture? Probably not yet. But it's coming into focus. And amazing things will be accomplished for the Glory of God.

Click here for a small web album of the trip thanks to Billy ...

And don't forget to get-cho-Self the ONLY cool ProSoap shirt ... click here. There is a dude and dude-ette version. Back in Black.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

Discussing reformission with a dozen guys sounds like a daunting task. But when the Stecker/Graves Mens Bible Study met last night, there was no resistance or reluctance from the group when it came to sharing where we are at when it comes to bringing the social message of Jesus Christ to the culture. We had one guy go as far as to rededicate his life last night! That's huge!

And what is the culture? Are we going to set limitations? Are we too sheltered to make a difference?

It's really all over the place. However, I believe it is no more of a daunting task today than it was in previous eras. But our line of attack will have to adapt and overcome some diverse impediments. Improvisation may be our best instrument. The only unswerving focus of the past will be that the scripture NEVER changes ... merely the delivery.

Not bad prep work for this weekend as a group of us head out on the Boxtown Mission. Even this little ministry has changed radically over the past 6 years. There is no more Boxtown. But the unreachable are still there. There is only one Dallas shelter. But it feeds and does not reach out.

What are we to do? Endure. Keep going. Asking Him to go before us and prepare our hands.

Hebrews 13: 1-3 1 Keep on loving each other as brothers. 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. 3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

They say sex sells. Violence sells. Everything but peace sells. Why? Most people want peace but are not willing to pay the price... losing your own life.

Next stop... Scorecards. Who's buying?

Transom Links:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good!

The next several blog posts will don the titles of Megadeth albums as I relate Mr. Mustaine's metal mastery and mayhem into biblical points concerning the people and experiences in my life.

I'm a big metal head that still can't go too long without a little Mechanix from time to time. Since the current state of spiritual music brutally irks me (even the heavy types frantically attempting to be culturally relevant), I have resorted mostly to classical/symphonic music to pacify my soul.

This post is neither a lesson in metal music nor biblical instruction. Rather a funny foray into some interesting time wasters that came to mind while pondering "Killing Is My Business ..."

As much as Megadeth is poking at the apocalyptic procedures that our government has taken over the years to spread democracy, it also sheds a light on the converse of killing: love. My father-in-law always says "kill em with kindness." Turns out he was talking about the way he takes an exotic out with his high powered rifle! Just kidding.

It was either hunting (as the season is upon us) or cartoons. Fictional characters trying to save the world from evil or the occasional suburbanite holding back from slaughtering the pimples working the drive thru seemed more fun! And one glam rocker that should be shot ... maybe by a hunter. Hey Robert? Got your gun? Please put Joe Elliot out of his misery!

Just enjoy these videos and sop up the Manna at the end of the post ...

How Superman Should Have Ended

Trapped in the Drive-Thru

This was the proverbial slow-motion car crash; like on "The Price is Right," when a contestant is about to put the $199 price tag on the tube of toothpaste and the crowd simultaneously shrieks "NO! NO!"

Daily Manna from the 'Net for Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Daily Manna XML Feed

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:22-27 NIV | Listen

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'd sooner be the eagle ...

I can't take credit for the rest of this post. Most of you have probably seen it around. But I thought it was pretty clever - thanks to my sis-in-law for sending it.

As I've discovered from previous posts, defending myself from the start is wise so here are a few disclaimers:
  • Some editing has been done to keep it mildly clean.
  • I'm not sure what version of the bible they are referring to when quoting Psalm 129. Unless there is some weird translation of Psalm 129, I'm not sure where that comes from.
  • Somewhere there might be a reference that could insinuate that Catholic priests don't know their scripture. That's not the objective ... get a grip this is supposed to be funny.
  • And all apologies to any wanna-be manager types out there currently practicing their ubiquitous life-styles.
So the scripture quoted is inaccurate and there is a lot of (edited out) swearing - sounds like a Pacific Coast reform parachurch, I know. But it is funny. Suspend some disbelief and have a chuckle on corporate America's expense ... (if you get bored, there are some good links at the bottom.)


Lesson 1
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.

When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that towel.' After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob.

After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.

The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?'

'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies.

'Great!' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?'

Moral of the story : If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

Lesson 2
A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.

The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' The priest removed his hand.

But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?'

The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.' Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way.

On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.'

Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.

Lesson 3
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'

'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'

Puff! She's gone.

'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'

Puff! He's gone.

'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.

Lesson 4
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing?'

The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Lesson 5
A turkey was chatting with a bull. 'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'

'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients.'

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.

He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story: BullCrap might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Lesson 6
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.

A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Moral(s) of the story:
  1. Not everyone who craps on you is your enemy.
  2. Not everyone who gets you out of crap is your friend.
  3. And when you're in deep crap, it's best to keep your mouth shut!
This ends the 3-minute management course.

Transom Links:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

That’s not chicken, I think. That’s ribs.


Have you ever read a story and and simply could not utter any other word but, "Wow"? No exclamation point. Just "Wow."

I've always been a big David Feherty fan but had no idea of his writing prowess. That skill combined with the personal story creates an amazing, head-spinning piece of prose. "Because that guy in the pickup just had to beat me to the red light ..." could explain my daily drive to work. But it has a whole new meaning now!

Some choice quotes:

"Great, I’m dying and spending my last minutes as George Costanza. But the medics are talking about hockey, so maybe I’ll live."

"I had already successfully stifled several snotbursts with the old thumb-on-the-roof-of-the-mouth trick, but apparently the human sneeze is an adaptable little bastard. If you deny it an exit, I don’t know, maybe some of them turn into farts or something and find another way out."

I want you to read this story ...

Step #1 Click here to the read "David Feherty Got Hit by a Truck and Lived to Tell About It".

Step #2 Go visit Rockwall Bike Lanes ...


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Science of Being Scammed or possibly Scamola-ed: a book review.

My wife ran her first 5k this weekend and I'm writing a book review. How selfish is that? Well, I promised back on the 3rd, that 2 topics would be delivered this month. This is the second of those, just in time for the month to roll over. It's going fast folks!

Besides, I only tried blowing through a few police blockades to get pictures of Elizabeth on the war path (with the kids in the car.) Conquered, we found ourselves rolling around the bounce house in front of Chili's unswervingly waiting for her to cross the finish line 6th overall in her bracket of the Chilis/St. Judes Rockwall 5K Classic!

On with the book review - The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

I must apologize ahead of time to all the Wattles fans out there ... but this has gone into my Colossal Waste Of Time bucket.

Rest assured, I do think Wallace was not recognized for his fine writing and extremely educated approach to thought and human process in the early 20th century. It makes sense that the extremely wealthy businessmen of today's culture site this as one of their most meaningful pieces of literary instruction.

Additionally, I will concede that there are plenty of people that consider my (re)views to be idiotic at best. That's not including the ones who express these feelings to me on a weekly basis. I am routinely out-thunk, out-degreed, and out-experienced on many levels.

But that's never stopped me before. And as I read, Wallace became more of man jaded by his own poverty stricken life than the self-proclaimed pioneer of New Thought.

If I may quote one of my partners in idiocy, "... if it is self-promoting and not glorifying God, it makes me skeptical. I thought they told you to stay off of Joel O's website." Yes ... they did tell me to stay away from Squinty.

As promised, I will give you a snapshot of my notes. You will find that I ascertained nothing, found a few admirable quotes, and captured a noteworthy concept here and there. Overall - I give this read a 2 out of 10. Up from a 1 merely based on the fact that this writing is nearly a century old.

Chapter 1
  • Agreed with nothing until the summary ... "for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself."
Chapter 2
  • Still speaking of getting rich but not by un-Godly promises.
  • Eliminating the excuses of environment, sex, opportunity, geographic location, poor, drowning in debt, etc for being poor - known fact based on ignorance.
  • Driving home the point of a "certain way" to get rich.
  • He's simply stating that it is ignorant for us to ignore the certain ways one becomes successful in their chosen business.
Chapter 3
  • There are possibilities for anyone to take advantage of an opportunity they would like to pursue and become successful - known fact.
  • Quote: "There is abundance of opportunity for the man who will go with the tide, instead of trying to swim against it."
  • States the US alone has enough materials and resources to house, clothe and feed the World lavishly - true today as it was in 1910.
  • God will provide even when we seemingly exhaust our resources - he will not let us go without ANY good things - well, no crap.
  • "... everything which can possibly minister to life is bountifully provided; there can be no lack unless God is to contradict himself and nullify his own works." - is he stating that he is privy to how God reacts? This is a dangerous quote.
Chapter 4
  • Man is a thinking center and can originate thought. The problem lies in the fact we rarely want to work with the Father - we'd rather take matters into our own hands. Agreed.
  • We must accept that there is only one Lord - one source of all that it is Good. He should have gone further here.
  • Starting to lose me on the first of three principals simply by claiming that anyone that reads and follows this book will get rich ... not liking this (p15)
  • To think truth regardless of appearance is laborious - yes - but he defines truth as thinking what you want to think ... not liking this either!
  • The bastard then sums up his 3 principals like a preacher would - I'm conflicted.
** IMPORTANT NOTE: He appears Christian but there are heavy tones of mid-eastern thought and dabbling in other religions.

Chapter 5
  • Basic business ethics and the laws of nature can be found here.
  • I would agree that many rich bastards need to here this stuff - but it's common sense to me - if I were to become monetarily rich, I would hope it would be by following these principals - but it wouldn't help me let go of it all - that should be in here somewhere.
  • He, himself, writes that the very riches produced by the original American multi-millionaires are the very riches that disposed of them! - and forever for anyone that competes to get rich!
  1. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the inter spaces of the universe.
  2. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
  3. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
Chapter 6
  • Give every man more on use value than you take from him in cash value - I sure hope so.
  • Praises Jesus a little here.
  • Gets on a God trip - but loses me again with claims that my desire to be rich (monetarily) is the Infinite's desire to express Himself in me ... claiming the converse to be a track into poverty I believe is as ignorant as Wattle's claiming to not act a Certain Way is to say you won't be rich.
Chapter 7 - Gratitude ... this could be interesting. But no ...
  • Law of Gratitude?
  • God has worked a long time to get us where we are and to provide the opportunities available - we should be in communion with him over this. Agreed.
Chapter 8 - Ugh ...

By chapter 8 I have grown weary. I've gone back to try to finish this a half dozen times. But I have not been able to stomach topics such as Thinking in a Certain Way, How to Use the Will, Further Use of the Will, Acting in a Certain Way, Efficient Action, Getting into the Right Business, the Impression of Increase, The Advancing Man, etc.

Despite Wattles continued use of God's Word, the teachings of Jesus, and reliance on Faith, my attention could not be held through the overall objective or his mottled theology mixed within. I simply conclude that the idea of religion, biology, physics, psychology, and engineering working together to make one rich is clever, but all I found is the production of one COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME (just like Blades of Glory)!!!

The end. Hate mail is welcome.

Here are some Transom Links: